10 Facts About Vegan Diet | Health Benefits Of Eating Vegan

A Vegan or plant-based diet excludes all animal products, meat, dairy products, and eggs. A vegan diet can be highly nutritious, it helps in weight loss.

A vegan diet tends to be rich in nutrients and low in saturated fats. Research suggests that the diet can improve heart health and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

10 Facts About Vegan Diet

But following the vegan diet you need to be aware of how to obtain certain nutrients, including iron, calcium and vitamin B-12, etc. let us discuss the vegan diet more.



What is a Vegan diet? 

A Vegan diet involves excluding all animal products from their diets- even dairy products and eggs. People who follow a vegan diet tend to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts. Vegan Lifestyle is not easy to follow, you need to have a proper diet chart which you should follow daily. However, if you are following a vegan diet you should be aware of other nutrients, vitamins, and proteins that people usually consume in animal products.


10 Facts about Vegan diet:


1) Approx. 5% of the US is vegetarian (around 16 million people) and of that about 7 million are vegan.


2) Vegans get their proteins from products like lentils, black beans, Veggie burgers, tofu, nuts, etc.


3) Vegans tend to have lower rates of cancer, and obesity. 


4) Vegan food is free of all animal products such as meat, eggs, and fish. 


5) Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn found that the vegan diet changed more than 500 genes in just 3 months. 


6) Plant yields 10 times more protein per acre than meat.


7) Several studies show that a plant-based diet increases the body's metabolism, causing the body to burn calories up to 16%. faster.


8) Vegans live longer than a normal person.

9) Vegans save 1100 gallons of water each day.


10) Vegans spare the lives of about 30 animals every year. 


5 Health Benefits of Vegan diet:


1) Vegan foods are rich in nutrients your body needs:


You can get all the nutrients you need from a healthy, balanced vegan diet. It includes fruits, vegetables, pulses, grains, etc.


2) Eating Vegan helps reduce our risk of suffering from cancer and other diseases:


A German study involving more than 800 vegetarian men found that their Cancer rates were less than half those of the general public.


3) Vegan food can boost your mood: 


Studies show that Vegans may actually be happier than meat-eaters. Vegans and Vegetarians had better scores on depression tests. 


4) It can help prevent type 2 diabetes:


People who eat vegan tend to have lower blood sugar levels than non-vegans and may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes up to 70%.


5) Vegan diet benefits your skin:


Vegans typically eat more fruits and vegetables, which means they get more of the good stuff that's needed for healthy skin.


Nutrients to consider on a Vegan diet:


A vegan diet removes some sources of nutrients from their diet. See People need to Plan their meals Carefully to avoid nutritional deficiencies. Vegan lifestyle followers should consult a doctor or dietitian. Nutrients that may be low in the vegan diet include Vitamin B-12, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, Zinc, Iodine, etc.




Vegan diets are growing in popularity. A vegan diet offers many health benefits, including heart health, weight loss, and reduces other diseases. Vegan diets are better for the Environment. People who are following or wish to follow a vegan diet should consult with a doctor or dietitian,  to ensure that they are getting enough nutrients to avoid deficiencies during a vegan diet. 

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1) Is it healthy to be vegan?

A vegan diet can be a part of a healthy lifestyle when planned and followed correctly.

2) Is peanut butter vegan? 

Most types of peanut butter are considered vegan, which is made up of peanuts, oils, and salt.

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