How To Boost Your Immunity Naturally Against Covid19?

How To Boost Your Immunity Naturally Against Covid19?

Boost Your Immunity Naturally Against Covid19:

We are learning a lot about basic hygiene measures and following them to minimize the impact of the virus. To keep your immune system healthy during such times can help in preventing infection. The government is also spreading awareness about Covid19 through different campaigns and programs. Doctor's are also playing an important role in the awareness by telling people in their areas too;
Wash hand properly and frequently. Proper use of mask and dispose of it properly. Avoiding public gatherings and places. But after this, what we can do at our home to prevent us from contracting the virus, by using some simple steps:

Stay Hydrated -

Our body depends on water for survival. You should avoid drinking through public water sources, you should carry your own bottle.

Related Post: Hydration tips

Eating Balanced Diet - 

Try eating healthy food as much as possible. You can include various fruits, vegetables, grains, beans in your diet. It helps to absorb immune-boosting vitamins and minerals.

How To Boost Your Immunity Naturally Against Covid19?

Exercise Regularly - 

If it is not possible to step out of home, you can do various exercises at home daily. It helps you to boost your immunity. Regular exercising helps you to deal with anxiety, fear, and anger. Regular meditation helps you to keep you mentally fit.

Good Sleep - 

Lack of sleep can affect your body and it affects your immune system too.
7-8 hours of sleep is good for your body. Sleep deprivation can lead to various serious medical conditions including obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, etc. Enough sleep is a must.

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