Hydration Tips | How Much Water You Should Drink Daily?

Hydration Tips For All Ages, How Much Water You Should Drink Daily?

Hydration Tips

Did you know what do animals, plants, and Homosapien have in common? We all depend on water for our living.

Did you know 60% of the body is made of water and our bodies can go weeks without consuming food but succumb within days without water?

Staying hydrated is vital for our good health and survival. If you feel cranky just grab that bottle of water, it will instantly improve your mood.

A body cannot function properly without enough drinking water.

Hydration Tips for:


Underage of 8 he/she should drink 5 glasses of water every day is a must.

For children between the ages of 9 to 13, he/she should drink 7-8 glasses of water daily is a must.


For teenagers between the ages of 14 to 18, 8 glasses of water for girls and 10 glasses of water for boys is a must.


For young adults between the ages of 16-30, 12 glasses of fluid for men and 10 glasses of fluid for women is a must.

For adults between the ages of 30 to 50, 8 glasses daily.


For seniors above the age of 50, 8 glasses of water are a must.

Here are some advantages of mineral water:

Helps to maintain healthy skin.

Regulates healthy bowel function.

Builds your immune system.

Energizes your muscles and keeps you active.

Keeps you away from dehydration.


Young or old, water is a necessity for everyone and it acts as a life savior to the human body. Water is necessary for your physical and mental health too.

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