10 Interesting facts about blood

Blood is really complicated, that's why it is important to take care of your heart. Everyone knows that when you get cut, you bleed constantly but you don't know when blood types were discovered. 

Here are some surprising facts about human blood:

1) UV rays reduce Blood Pressure:- 

UV rays reduce Blood Pressure

If someone has Blood pressure problem continuously then exposing a person's skin to the sun's ray reduce blood pressure by causing the level of nitric oxide to rise in the blood. Nitric oxide helps to regulate blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing heart disease. But prolonged exposure to the sun could cause skin cancer.

2) Red blood cells have No Nucleus:-

Red blood cells have No Nucleus

As Red blood cells contain no nucleus, protein biosynthesis is currently absent in these cells. Mature Red blood cells don't have nuclei. when they enter the bloodstream for the first time, they eject nuclei and organelles, so they can carry more haemoglobin.

3) Blood cells have different life spans:-

Red blood cells have a short lifespan because of a lack of nuclei and organelles. Red blood cells circulate in the body for about 120 days and platelets for about 9 days. White blood cells have the shortest lifespan of 1 to 3 days.

4) Human body contains Gold:-

The role of gold in the human body is unknown for many years, it has recently determined that gold plays role in both the health and maintenance of the joints, and also plays a key role in transmitting electrical signals throughout the body. An adult human body weighing 70 kg contains about 0.2 milligrams of gold in the body.

5) White blood cells increases during pregnancy:-

White blood cells increases during pregnancy

White blood cells are important for a healthy immune system. They help the body to stay healthy and fight sickness. Generally, a high white blood cell count means that your body is going through a lot of stress. Usually, during pregnancy, it is normal to have high white blood cells count.

6) Blood Constitutes mostly of Plasma:-

Plasma constitutes 55% of total blood volume. Plasma is about 92% of water.

Plasma constitutes 55% of total blood volume. Plasma is about 92% of water. It contains 7% Vital Proteins such as albumin, gamma globulin, anti-hemophilic factor and 1% of mineral salts, Sugar fats, hormones, and Vitamin, Plasma Plays important role in our body.

(7) Body contains about 10 units of blood:-

Adults have approximately 1.2-1.5 gallons (or 10 units) of blood in their bodies. Blood is approximately 10% of the adult's weight.

8) Blood types vary by population:- 

Blood types vary by population

The most common blood type in the United States is O positive. The least common is AB negative. Blood type distributions vary by population. In Japan, the most common blood type is A Positive.

9) Blood Proteins protect against Carbon Monoxide Gas:- 

Hemoglobin found in blood and cytochromes found in mitochondria are Examples of hemoproteins. Carbon monoxide (Co) gas is colorless, odorless, tasteless.CO  binds to proteins in the body known as hemoproteins.

10) Not all  Blood is Red:-

Humans have red-colored blood, other organisms have the blood of varying colors. Some types of worms and leeches have green blood. some species of marine worms have a Violet color. The color of blood is determined by the type of respiratory pigment used to transport oxygen.


1) What is the color of the blood?

Human blood is red because of hemoglobin which is carried in the blood and it is iron-rich and red in color. The function is to transport oxygen.

2) Which is the rarest blood type?

AB Negative is the rarest blood type from the eight main blood types. Only 1% of donors have it, but the demand for AB negative blood type is low.

3) How much blood human body have?

Adults have approximately 1.2-1.5 gallons (or 10 units) of blood in their bodies. Blood is approximately 10% of the adult's weight.

4) Do blood donors live longer? 

A new study shows that people who donate blood, they don't have any serious ill effects and may also live longer. A regular blood donor will live longer than a rare blood donor.

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