Did you know how would you rate your employees in your business?

Rating your Employees can be tricky, you should not compare the Employees, rather you should Evaluate the performance,  not the personality of the Employees.

Rate your Employees on the following employee evaluation:Leadership, teamwork

You Can Rate your Employees on the following employee evaluation:

1) Attendance -

Attendance is the touchiest topic and employees don't like to discuss coming late, but if conducted Properly, attendance appraisal can prove to be very useful. 

2) Innovation and creativity - 

As a manager, it is your responsibility to appreciate Employees who help in a creative environment. Creative skills will be an asset for the company, With Unique imagination and creative ideas you can have an asset to the company. 

3) Leadership skill -

Leadership in Employees is very important for Progress and to complete the goals. You can manage your team and conduct specific exercises to strengthen the team. 

4) Teamwork - 

When a team works together, they can reach a solution faster. You should have a healthy team environment. 

5) Work-Ethics- 

Work ethics involves everything from coming in time, being honest to everyone in the workplace. You are respectful and fair towards everyone in the organization.

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